Why to connect?

Hack CAPEX. Rent a switch

Hack CAPEX Service is the unique offer on market and an opportunity to install PoP at datacenters NewTelco Ukraine and BE MOBILE without capital expenditure and with no need to rent a rack. 

4 Services — one contract. 

DTEL-IX is the only company in Ukraine which provides all services in one bundle


All Services are provided in one bundle with no extra fees, with no installation fee and under the valid contract for peering services.


Why do you need PoP at Newtelco Ukraine and BE MOBILE

PoP at Newtelco Ukraine and BE MOBILE  is the guarantee of the dynamic and organic development of any big or medium Ukrainian operator's network. These two independent data-centers provide the ability to avoid the risk of collocation of equipment in premises rented from the state.

But not all operators are ready to bear the significant costs for equipment purchase at once. That's why they postpone the purchase "for tomorrow" thereby limiting your business development opportunities.

The collocation of equipment at the most popular data-centers will give the operator an opportunity to improve its network manageability, to build effective connections with other operators, and balance traffic. And using of equipment rent option will allow to evenly distribute costs over time without a one-time high financial burden.




Choose the BE MOBILE data-park for colocation, and the DTEL-IX will take care of communication services and cross-connects.

Contact us

Ask a Question
DTEL-IX contacts:


+38 044 300 2233


BE MOBILE contacts:


+38 044 494 35 05


Web site:
