Improve your connectivity and optimize the cost of IP transit

More than2.32Tbps peak capacity

More than 165 thousands prefixes


How to connect:

  1.   Choose a convenient connection address.
  2.   Choose the required connection port (1G, 10G, 40G, or 100G).
  3.   Check out technical requirements.
  4.   Get in touch with us and receive a free test period for two weeks.
  5.   Download the contract template and review it.
  6.   After the test period, sign the contract and join the peering community of our members.


  • DTEL-IX does not depend on any existing provider on the market and develops in accordance with the principles of operator’s neutrality.
  • DTEL-IX does not compete with you for your customers. Our job is to make traffic exchange effective and convenient.
  • Peak traffic in our exchange is growing by 30% yearly, and in 2019, DTEL-IX reached a level of 2.32 Tbps of traffic.
  • A total of 266 companies became our members, and this number is growing every month.
  • Two independent sites duplicating each other are located in the Newtelco and BE MOBILE data centers.
  • We provide professional help and support.
  • Only our company can provide per-unit colocation at our main sites.



Choose the BE MOBILE data-park for colocation, and the DTEL-IX will take care of communication services and cross-connects.

Contact us

Ask a Question
DTEL-IX contacts:


+38 044 300 2233


BE MOBILE contacts:


+38 044 494 35 05


Web site: